

kioskClient: KioskClient
policyCap?: ObjectArgument
transaction: Transaction
type?: string


  • Adds the Kiosk Royalty rule to the Transfer Policy. You can pass the percentage, as well as a minimum amount. The royalty that will be paid is the MAX(percentage, minAmount). You can pass 0 in either value if you want only percentage royalty, or a fixed amount fee. (but you should define at least one of them for the rule to make sense).


    • percentageBps: string | number

      The royalty percentage in basis points. Use percentageToBasisPoints helper to convert from percentage [0,100].

    • minAmount: string | number

      The minimum royalty amount per request in MIST.

    Returns TransferPolicyTransaction

  • A function to create a new transfer policy. Checks if there's already an existing transfer policy to prevent double transfer polciy mistakes. There's an optional skipCheck flag that will just create the policy without checking


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Generic helper to remove a rule, not from the SDK's base ruleset.


    • __namedParameters: {
          configType: string;
          ruleType: string;
      • configType: string
      • ruleType: string

    Returns void

  • This can be called after calling the create function to share the TransferPolicy, and transfer the TransferPolicyCap to the specified address


    • address: string

      The address to transfer the TransferPolicyCap

    Returns void

  • Withdraw from the transfer policy's profits.


    • address: string

      Address to transfer the profits to.

    • Optionalamount: string | bigint

      (Optional) amount parameter. Will withdraw all profits if the amount is not specified.

    Returns TransferPolicyTransaction