Additional rguments supplied to dev inspect beyond what is allowed in today's API.

interface DevInspectArgs {
    gasBudget?: null | string;
    gasObjects?: null | [string, string, string][];
    gasSponsor?: null | string;
    showRawTxnDataAndEffects?: null | boolean;
    skipChecks?: null | boolean;


gasBudget?: null | string

The gas budget for the transaction.

gasObjects?: null | [string, string, string][]

The gas objects used to pay for the transaction.

gasSponsor?: null | string

The sponsor of the gas for the transaction, might be different from the sender.

showRawTxnDataAndEffects?: null | boolean

Whether to return the raw transaction data and effects.

skipChecks?: null | boolean

Whether to skip transaction checks for the transaction.