interface SuiObjectData {
    bcs?: null | RawData;
    content?: null | SuiParsedData;
    digest: string;
    display?: null | DisplayFieldsResponse;
    objectId: string;
    owner?: null | ObjectOwner;
    previousTransaction?: null | string;
    storageRebate?: null | string;
    type?: null | string;
    version: string;


bcs?: null | RawData

Move object content or package content in BCS, default to be None unless SuiObjectDataOptions.showBcs is set to true

content?: null | SuiParsedData

Move object content or package content, default to be None unless SuiObjectDataOptions.showContent is set to true

digest: string

Base64 string representing the object digest

display?: null | DisplayFieldsResponse

The Display metadata for frontend UI rendering, default to be None unless SuiObjectDataOptions.showContent is set to true This can also be None if the struct type does not have Display defined See more details in

objectId: string
owner?: null | ObjectOwner

The owner of this object. Default to be None unless SuiObjectDataOptions.showOwner is set to true

previousTransaction?: null | string

The digest of the transaction that created or last mutated this object. Default to be None unless SuiObjectDataOptions.showPreviousTransaction is set to true

storageRebate?: null | string

The amount of SUI we would rebate if this object gets deleted. This number is re-calculated each time the object is mutated based on the present storage gas price.

type?: null | string

The type of the object. Default to be None unless SuiObjectDataOptions.showType is set to true

version: string

Object version.