Interface SuiTransactionBlockResponseOptions

interface SuiTransactionBlockResponseOptions {
    showBalanceChanges?: boolean;
    showEffects?: boolean;
    showEvents?: boolean;
    showInput?: boolean;
    showObjectChanges?: boolean;
    showRawEffects?: boolean;
    showRawInput?: boolean;


showBalanceChanges?: boolean

Whether to show balance_changes. Default to be False

showEffects?: boolean

Whether to show transaction effects. Default to be False

showEvents?: boolean

Whether to show transaction events. Default to be False

showInput?: boolean

Whether to show transaction input data. Default to be False

showObjectChanges?: boolean

Whether to show object_changes. Default to be False

showRawEffects?: boolean

Whether to show raw transaction effects. Default to be False

showRawInput?: boolean

Whether to show bcs-encoded transaction input data