interface Checkpoint {
    checkpointCommitments: CheckpointCommitment[];
    digest: string;
    endOfEpochData?: null | EndOfEpochData;
    epoch: string;
    epochRollingGasCostSummary: GasCostSummary;
    networkTotalTransactions: string;
    previousDigest?: null | string;
    sequenceNumber: string;
    timestampMs: string;
    transactions: string[];
    validatorSignature: string;


checkpointCommitments: CheckpointCommitment[]

Commitments to checkpoint state

digest: string

Checkpoint digest

endOfEpochData?: null | EndOfEpochData

Present only on the final checkpoint of the epoch.

epoch: string

Checkpoint's epoch ID

epochRollingGasCostSummary: GasCostSummary

The running total gas costs of all transactions included in the current epoch so far until this checkpoint.

networkTotalTransactions: string

Total number of transactions committed since genesis, including those in this checkpoint.

previousDigest?: null | string

Digest of the previous checkpoint

sequenceNumber: string

Checkpoint sequence number

timestampMs: string

Timestamp of the checkpoint - number of milliseconds from the Unix epoch Checkpoint timestamps are monotonic, but not strongly monotonic - subsequent checkpoints can have same timestamp if they originate from the same underlining consensus commit

transactions: string[]

Transaction digests

validatorSignature: string

Validator Signature